For the time being we are posting new articles on our new website's blog. Old posts will be left on here for the moment, but please do check out the new site and leave us feedback.
Thank you.
Sunday, 6 December 2009
Go to our new blog on our new website!
Posted by
Essentially Natural
Monday, 23 November 2009
A run on our Organic Chamomile Soother Shampoo Bars!
Our Organic Chamomile Soother, which doubles as a wonderful no-spills, no-waste Shampoo bar, especially for children and light-coloured hair, seems to becoming more and more popular.
Following orders from local shops we 're out of stock again!
But don't give up - if you hurry, there are still some on our Clearance page. If you want them for yourself or a family member, they're absolutely fine. Just made but with slight blemishes or cracks on the bottom.
They're actually too good to sell at 3 for £5.00, but I can't be bothered putting up a different 'reject' category.
We don't sell them in our gift boxes, just wrapped and labelled, but as said this batch is new, just with slight imperfections.
So take advantage while you can!
Posted by
Essentially Natural
Labels: Clearance
Friday, 20 November 2009
Problem with our discount codes
We are having problems with some of our coupon codes at the moment.
Don't worry, just add your discount code in tInstructions' box at the checkout and we will adjust your order.
We hope to get this problem fixed in a day or two.
Posted by
Essentially Natural
Labels: problem
Thursday, 19 November 2009
Come and see us tonight!
We will be at Manor Road School, Clayton le Woods, Christmas Fair tonight, high winds and lashing rain permitting. :)
The Fair starts at 7.30 and ends at 10 p.m.
There will be offers on our stall and, of course, lots to see.
Admission £3 but it all goes to help the school.
Please do drop by if you're in the area and meet Pia, Debbie, Daniela and myself. And of course Webster.
Posted by
Essentially Natural
Labels: Event
Friday, 13 November 2009
Follow us on Twitter!
We are pleased to announce that Essentially Natural is now up on Twitter.
If you don't know whatTwitter is, well - put simply it's a quick and easy way to keep up with people, events, businesses by receiving text-style messages on your computer, mobile, PDA or whatever device you use that can get onto the internet.
First impressions are more favourable than FaceBook, but we shall see.
To follow us just look for Essentially Natural, or add our username @e_nat to your list of friends.
(A reminder that our FaceBook group is still up and running click here to join our group!
Posted by
Essentially Natural
Labels: Social networking, Twitter
Monday, 5 October 2009
Book of Green Awards
All keep your fingers crossed that we make the shortlist for the Book of Green Awards for our new packaging on October 16th - watch this space!!!
Posted by
Essentially Natural
Tuesday, 15 September 2009
Phone lines back up!
Just a quick note to let you know that |r phone lines are back up and running - at last!
I just can't wait to hear them ringing again, it's been so quiet in the office!
So I think perhaps a freebie for all telephone orders placed over the next couple of days might do the trick?
What do you all think?
Posted by
Essentially Natural
Labels: offer
Monday, 31 August 2009
Just a reminder that we are giving away a (surprise) free gift to the 100th member to join our new group on FaceBook!
So please tell your friends who might be interested in us!
Posted by
Essentially Natural
Bank Holiday offer ends tonight!
Just a reminder that the 20% discount for Bank Holiday ends at midnight, tonight, Mon 31 Aug, British Summer Time.
So order something now while there's still time!
Posted by
Essentially Natural
Friday, 28 August 2009
Essentially Natural now on facebook!
If you want to keep up with our news whilst on the move, please join our new group on facebook!
We'll be offering special discounts to our members, so please spread the word to anybody who might be interested in our natural, organic soaps, skincare products and soy candles.
Posted by
Essentially Natural
Bank Holiday Special
From now, untill midnight on Monday 31st August, we're offering a 20% discount on all our products (exludes Clearance stock).
If you've never tried any of our products before, now's the time!
Posted by
Essentially Natural
Saturday, 22 August 2009
August newsletter
September makes us regret the summer passed (summer? what summer?), but also heralds things to come...
I remember my primary school summer holidays (and even the summer term) as a hazy jumble of playing outside or sunbathing on parched grass and coming in at the end of the day exhausted from the sun but feeling oh, so happy. My adult life is filled with memories of beautiful autumn days from late September through the first weeks of October. This latter memory may be coloured by romantic memories as this is the time I met my wonderful wife, Pia, also the time of her birthday and of our marriage.
On a less personal note September also seems to be a time of 'let's-see-if-we-cancram-in-a-few-more-events-before-the-winter-comes'. And there's nowt wrong wi' that, as they say up here!
Apart from the Organic Food Fair in Bristol 12th-13th September (which unfortunately we won't be able to attend), there's
a lot more going on in the Organic Fortnight from 5th-22nd September, with lots of interesting stuff for consumers and businesses alike. You can read more at The Soil Association website
If you're still not fully convinced about the benefits of going organic, or if you want to throw some ammunition at your friends on the subject, you should check out the Soil Association's five reasons to go organic. In their words,
us to make a big difference - simply through the way we shop. With all these benefits,
it’s easy to see why organic delivers such good value for money:
1. Better for your planet
2. Your well-being
3. Kind to animals
4. Encourages wildlife
5. GM free"
Cruelty to Animals
As you all know, 'no animal testing' is high on our agenda for anything that goes into our products. I wonder if you, like me, have a fairly narrow view of what the RSPCA does? Visions of rescuing cats from rooftops, or breaking into houses where some poor but misguided old lady has been 'looking after' twenty or thirty cats in a house not fit for animal, let alone human, habitation...
If so, or if you're looking at interesting ways to raise a bit of cash for the RSPCA, you might want to take a look at their latest newsletter by clicking here. They have a very good idea for a dinner party, and they are pleased even if you can only raise a small amount of money - it all helps!
Help us spread the word online!
Even I use FaceBook and (very occasionnaly) Twitter, and it's a great way of keeping up with friends, or what's going on. I'm seriously thinking of setting up an Essentially Natural presence on one of these sites. I'd be interested in your comments.
Another interesting site I've joined as a user is MyFaveShop which is the first social network shopping site in the UK. The idea is that, when you join, you set up your own virtual shop and add to it anything you like - you can have departments, or can set up lists for buying birthday presents etc. But in addition to that, while on the site, you can read reviews of anything, ask questions, chat to other shoppers (you could add me as a freind - my user name is ecoshopper)band, of course, make new friends.
If anyone wants to check it out you might like to add any of our products that you've bought to your shop (with a review if you can) and this would spread the word about us in a wider way than just on our own site.
Again, comments welcomed.
Find us a shop!
Because of our disabilities it's difficult to look for interested retail outlets around the country other than sending out samples and catalogues. This is very costly and we're asking for your help.
We're often asked by customers if we sell near them, and this is especially true in rural areas but also in big 'eco-friendly' cities like Brighton or Bristol, and that's just in England.
If any of you out there knows of a shop that might be interested in our products (preferably organic, or eco, or 'green'), please let us know. We'd also love to hear from any of you who would be prepared to mention us to the shop concerned (we can supply leaflets), as shops are much more likely to take notice of a recommendation from one of their own customers.
We'd like to reward anyone who can 'find a shop' for us. You might like a month's free membership of our Soap Club, a bottle of good organic wine, organic gin, organic chocolates...? Let us know.
Offer on Lip Balms
Just a reminder for those of you who haven't logged onto our website recently that we're selling our Organic Peppermint Lip Balm at half price. It's a good time to get some in stock for the autumn. So why not take a look by clicking here.
Posted by
Essentially Natural
Saturday, 1 August 2009
Review of our Soy Candles on
We were all very pleased to get a 4.5 out of 5 from for one of our organic aromatherapy soy candles. However, I ended up with egg on my face for the loss of that half a point...
Posted by
Essentially Natural
Friday, 24 July 2009
Shampoo Bars back in stock!
We are pleased to announce that our Organic Chamomile Soother and Organic Nettle, Rosemary & Marshmallow shampoo bars are now back in stock.
We've had a big run on our Chamomile Soother, so I would advise ordering early if you need some.
Posted by
Essentially Natural
Labels: New stock
Sunday, 21 June 2009
What is an ethical business?
I am often asked what I mean by an ethical business. Less so these days with all the publicity about what the banks and other big financial institutions have been up to over the last few years; and we all know, I think, what is meant by 'ethical' after the goings-on with MP's and their expense sheets. But for some of us, running an ethical business is much more than this - it's bound up with an ideal lifestyle we aspire to. Or, in a nutshell, there's more to business than just making money.
Rather than trying to define what is meant by an ethical business, I'm going to quote an article written recently by the editor of Ethical Pulse, the online journal for members of It's well worth reading, and it's also well worth looking on their website at the many businesses now out there that aren't just paying lip service to honesty, integrity, environmental issues, etc etc etc...
Although it's written from the business point of view, I hope it will set some of you thinking about what and where you buy, and much more.
Here's the article.
Why surviving the downturn using ethical principles is just like giving up smoking...
I gave up smoking two years ago – I proudly handed my 20 pack of
Marlboro Red over to my Mum announcing that she can “lock them in the safe as a memento of
the smoker that I used to be.”
Needless to say they were all smoked by the next day...
Now, what that says about me as a person is not the point (please
remember, I did say I have now managed to give up!) – the point is that I made a
decision and I was sure that it was the biggy. A much harder decision actually came ten
minutes later when I suddenly wanted to challenge the original one. In fact, those
decisions just kept on coming – they still do now, except now I have made it second
nature to override them and not smoke. So, what initially felt like the BIG decision was
actually the first of many many much smaller ones. And in the end I cracked it.
Maybe I am teaching Grandmothers to suck eggs, but this is my best
analogy for setting off on the path to operate any business ethically. Sure, announcing that
you are going to is one thing – but can you really tell a previously valued and
coveted supplier that you will not be able to continue buying from him unless they ...?
Can you really bring yourself to do things that you will see no immediate financial
reward for?
Can you base your decisions on more than profit?
For me running my business ethically has represented exactly the same challenge as giving up smoking. It was just a matter of recognising when the decisions popped up and learning what my new protocol was.
One of the problems with applying the ethical approach to pure commerce is that it
regularly rejects the obvious answer.Capitalism at its most mercenary does not believe
that what goes around comes around, it does not recognise the ramifications of any
action unless they are a direct benefit – and it certainly does not take anyone else
in to consideration.
The ethical approach does, however. It inspires longevity in business relationships.
It limits the damage that business practice inflicts on the environment. It does
promote considered long term decision making processes. It does ask if everyone involved
in the business is being treated fairly. Correctly applied ethical policy and practice
in conjunction with modern commercial techniques can ensure the sustainability of
a business within the economy. And in times like these that is exactly what entrepreneurs
really need to do.
So, what does make a business ethical? And the short answer is a decision. A decision
to question what you do and how you do it. There are many dimensions to ethical business
behaviour and once you’ve embarked on an analysis of how you operate there are few
areas of operation that won’t need re-evaluating.
The obvious things to start looking at are what materials and products you use in
your business. For each, ask yourself what impact they have on both the environment
and the people who make them. The goal should be about minimising environmental harm
while maintaining a fair system for the workers. Often not an easy balance to achieve.
Inevitably there will be compromises and trade-offs such as buying local instead
of organic or fairtrade instead of local, or going for durability over eco-friendliness.
The point is to keep asking the question and making the best decision you can.
Beyond the ‘things’ you use or make there are also questions about how you, as a
business, behave. How ethical is your policy towards employees? How ethical are you
in your dealings with competitors, suppliers and customers? Do you really have to
make profit maximisation the objective every time? Of course, you never run out of questions. There are new decisions to be made all the time and new information to evaluate. It isn't easy.
99% fall at the first hurdle – I did. But there is always another hurdle – indeed, there are other races.
Ethical Junction members have all committed to operate by the Ethical Policy outlined
at For anyone else who wants to get technical – look up
Bellman's Principle – a theory of dynamic programming – its all there!
Robert Weston, Editor, Ethical Pulse
Posted by
Essentially Natural
Thursday, 18 June 2009
Need a last-minute presnt for Dad? - still time to order!
Just a quick post to let you all know that there’s still just time to order that last-minute present for Dad. We can take online or telephone orders up to 12 p.m. tomorrow, Friday 19th June, but obviously it would help us if you could get your orders in earlier.
Posted by
Essentially Natural
Prize draw winner announced!
We're pleased to announce the winner of our latest prize draw.
Val from Whitworth is the winner of an organic instant window box garden, so let's hope the summer will be a good one for Val.
The garden is provided in association with Rocket Gardens Ltd, a welcome addition to the organic gift market, who are based down in Cornwall. They just love our Gardener's Delight soap and we love their gardens!
If you didn't win, don't worry. We're offering a Children's Instant Garden when we visit Constable Lee School in Rawtenstall on 4th July, and there'll be another prize draw on our website soon.
Congratulations, Val, and thank you all for entering.
Posted by
Essentially Natural
Friday, 12 June 2009
What a week!
It always amazes me when I look back and realise it's three weeks since I posted to the blog. Time just seems to fly, and I'm coming to the conclusion that to do all the things you need to do to run a business successfully you need at least ten heads, six pairs of hands, a couple of extra pairs of feet, six computers, a 36-hour day, and a bank account with millions to spend on advertising.
So much has been happening over the last couple of weeks that I sometimes wish I was back in my old job teaching snotty-nosed kids who didn't want to learn. I sometimes remember with nostalgia staying up till midnight marking and preparing for the next day.
But, no, of course I wouldn't go back there, not for all the – tea in China?
(China? Don't start me off on that one, we're ethical).
So what's been going on at Essentially Natural?
Well, we're in the middle of the exhibition/craft fair season, and, mentioning that, we're at a garden party tomorrow (Saturday) at Whitworth Library. So we've been getting things ready for that, as well as updating our website, literature, photos, etc. etc.
You can read more about the library and Whitworth here:
If you can't make tomorrow, we're supporting a local school in Bacup in a week or two – watch this space for details.
Josef, our 18-year-old, is in the middle of his "A"-levels, so we're all stressed, and working from home means that we're stressed in the daytime as well!
But the big news is nothing to do with our business, although of course I hope it will have spin-offs.
Our son, Anton, is taking over the restaurant at the Horse and Jockey pub in Edenfield, just up the road from us. And of course he needs lots of advice from his Mum and Dad. :)
We'll post more information nearer the launch date, but in the meantime you might want to head over to Ask Rossendale to have a look at what else is going on in our locality. We'll have some pages up there soon, but, yes, you've guessed it, I've not had time to put anything up there yet.
Oh yeah, one last thing:
If you've not yet got anything for your Dad, why not take a look at our Father's Day page? You could do a lot worse. :)
Posted by
Essentially Natural
Friday, 22 May 2009
Another Bank Holiday Special!
Hello, and the month of May has flown by again!
But don't despair. One good thing for consumers and anyone who works is that there are two Bank Holidays in the merry month of May - the only time in the year apart from December...
So, not to be outdone, and to help me feel less guilty about actually taking time off from the business, Essentially Natural again offers a 20% discount over the Bank Holiday weekend on all our main product lines.
The discounted prices show up as you shop and at the checkout, and the offer ends at midnight on Monday, UK local time.
So why not try our products if you've not ordered from us before, or beat the credit crunch and buy now for Father's Day while the offer's on.
Have a lovely weekend, and lets hope we get some sunshine...
With best wishes,
Posted by
Essentially Natural
Tuesday, 19 May 2009
Enter our prize draw to win an instant organic garden
Just a quick post to let you know that if you buy any of our products before Friday 12th June 2009 to be automatically entered into a prize draw.
You can win a wonderful selection of organic vegetables and herb plants, from Rocket Gardens in Cornwall, that will keep you going through the summer and autumn -valued at £24.99!
Don't worry if you are stuck for space, even a window box will do.
Don't say we never give you anything for free! :)
Posted by
Essentially Natural
Saturday, 16 May 2009
Weekend Special now up!
Just a quick note to appologise for the late posting of the Weekend Special this week. We've been having some connection problems, but it's now up.
So if you want to get 50% off one of our Organic Oranges & Lemons Bath Bars, now's your chance.
For those of you who are vegan, this is one of our new range of Organic Vegan Soaps approved by the Vegan Society.
Because I posted it late, I'll leave it on until Monday morning. :)
Posted by
Essentially Natural
Saturday, 9 May 2009
Come and see us next Wednesday!
For those of you who live in the NW of England, why not come and see us at the Boosting Business in Rossendale exhibition at Bacup Leisure Centre next Wednesday, 13 May?
If you run your own business, there are lots of seminars, local businesses to network with, and, of course, and a chance to join the Valley At Work small business network who are organizing the exhibition.
If you just want to see what's going on, no problem - the exhibition's open to the general public too, and we'll be having offers, a prize drawer to win one of three Organic Instant Garden Kits from, a chance to try and see our new products, and more.
Hope to see you there!
Posted by
Essentially Natural
Weekend Special reminder
As only one person has taken advantage of our Weekend Special so far, I'm beginning to wonder whether I need to post a reminder on the blog every week?
Anyway, this week's 50% off is on our lovely, Organic Grapefruit Zing Bath Bar which will not only cleanse your skin by opening the pores and getting rid of all that trapped-in dirt, but will also help detoxify your system - grapefruit essential oil is one of the best detoxifiers.
It's also a wonderful wake-up bar for the morning shower or bath.
But remember, the offer ends onSunday at midnight local time here in the UK.
Posted by
Essentially Natural
Friday, 1 May 2009
Bank Holiday Special on now!
Ok, another weekend, but one with a difference as everyone in the UK will know.
And I'm not talking about the wonderful weather we've been promised.
It's Bank Holiday Weekend, and that means a Bank Holiday Special from Essentially Natural (well, we have to give you something to smile about with all the gloom and doom on the TV and in the news.
So we're giving a 20% discount off everything until midnight on Sunday.
Well, almost everything - our Clearance stuff is so cheap that we're not including it. But if you've tried any of our non-clearance products I think you'll agree it's well worth paying the bit extra.
No coupon code needed - the discount will show up at the checkout.
Have a relaxing, enjoyable weekend!
Posted by
Essentially Natural
Thursday, 16 April 2009
WeekendSpecials are back - 50% off till midniht Sunday!
Our Weekend Specials are backafter popular demand!
Each weekend we will be offering one of our products at half price. Ens Sunday at midnight.
This week we're offering our Organic Cucumber & Almond Bath Bar, usually £5.50, for £2.75!
You can read more on the Scrubby Soaps page - just click on the link.
OK, a bit late for posting this - Saturday lunchtime - so I may just leave the offer open until Monday morning. I tink that's fair?
Posted by
Essentially Natural
Clearance Soaps updated today!
Just a quick note to let you all know that we've aded some Castile Bath Bars to our Soaps clearance page.
There's nothing wrong with the soap apart from the discolouring from the mulberry paper it was wrapped in.
Remember, these are only £5 for three soaps of your choice, so a good way to try them out.
These are completely organic and have no essential oils added, so are good for people with skin allergies or sensitive skin.
Olive oil has been used by Mediterranean cultures for thousands of years and is very gentle and nourishing on the skin.
Suitable for babies over 3 months (avoiding sensitive areas like the eyes, of course).
Posted by
Essentially Natural
Thursday, 9 April 2009
Treat yourself this Easter - 25% off!!!
This Easter we're giving back to all those who gave something up for Lent. What better than 25% off everything you order, with the exception of our Clearance products.
Visit our website to order now
Ends 14th April 2009
Have a good weekend
Dennis Freedman
Essentially Natural
Posted by
Essentially Natural
Tuesday, 10 March 2009
Mother's Newsletter - March 2009
While the rain pours down in Rossendale, East Lancs., the thermometer is high enough for the plants to believe that the spring has at last arrived. And about time too, given the real winter we’ve had this year.
So, with spring in mind, and Mother’s Day just around the corner, we have some new products, and also some limited edition special offers.
Furthermore, we are offering a 10% discount on all products in our Mother’s Day range, simply enter ‘mother’ in the coupon box at the checkout to get your discount now!
With Mum in Mind
Whatever her age, there is something that will appeal to your purse and her taste.
Mother’s Day Mug with Lavender Heart Soaps (limited edition)
Priced at only £4.95, this Limited Edition ‘You’re so Special’ mug will be treasured long after the day is over. Filled with five Organic Lavender Heart soaps and finished with organic lavender flowers from our own garden, this will make a wonderful gift. Click here to order.
Trinket Basket with Lavender Heart Soap (limited edition)
A cute ceramic trinket basket containing one of our organic heart Lavender soaps that will not break the bank. Price: £2.95. Click here to order.
Natural Aromatherapy Soy Candle in Glass Coffee Mugs (limited edition– and selling fast)
An aromatherapy soy candle in a beautiful Irish Coffee-style glass mug, fragranced with organic essential oils. With a burn time of 36 hours and a choice of four fragrances: Lavender & Chamomile, Lavender, Orange & Lemongrass and Peppermint & Cinnamon. Price £6.50. Click here to order.
Reed Diffusers
We have two new reed diffusers to choose from, Winter Cheer and Citrus Burst, with more coming soon. each in a 50ml bottle, packed in a pretty organza bag. Perfectly safe to use, with no flame or electricity, these make a perfect gift. Price £5.95. Click here to order.
Three Hearts Gift Box
Using our new packaging from recycled materials, these lovely little gift boxes contain three of our organic heart soaps. You can choose from either Goat's Milk & Rose Petal, Rose & Cocoa Butter or Lavender. Priced at £3.50 these make an affordable gift. Click here to order.
Bath Oils
Why not take advantage of our introductory offer on our Bath Oils to give your Mum a special treat? Priced at £5.95, there are three to choose from – Calming for stress, Reviving to pick you up, and Soothing for those aching muscles. Click here to order.
Lavender Pillow
If, like me, your Mum has trouble sleeping, why not give her one of our lovely natural cotton lavender pillows? They contain only organic lavender flowers grown in our own garden and organic lavender essential oil to give a scent that lasts and lasts. Price £3.00. Click here to order.
Make your own Gift Basket
A gift basket with a difference: choose one bath bar, one skincare product, one soy candle and one bathroom accessory from our product range. We’ll even throw in a cotton facecloth. Price £19.95. Click here to order.
And Finally...
Thank you for reading this, and we hope you found something of interest.
Essentially Natural
Posted by
Essentially Natural
Tuesday, 24 February 2009
More new products for the Spring!
Doesn't time fly - I feel really ashamed that so much time has passed since I've posted to the blog...
Family illness and other problems, and also the fact that my guide dog, Webster, is also just recovering from a virus that affected him badly, have meant little time to do the blog justice, let alone my business.
We have, however, been doing some market research, experimenting (sorry, Product Development), and of course as always, testing.
We have some interesting new products to offer to cheer you up as the winter hasn't yet quite turned into spring:
Two new Reed Diffusers (more coming soon) using organic essential oils, for those of you who don't want to have lit candles burning all day and who don't like using commercial spray air fresheners;
Organic Bath Oils and Organic Body Scrubs that you've been asking for; and
A really value-for-money 'Make your own Gift Basket' where you can choose products from across our organic range.
Please do let us have your feedback and also any other ideas you would like to see on our website.
Posted by
Essentially Natural
Labels: New Products
Friday, 30 January 2009
Clearance Sale on our Skincare Products now back!
Posted by
Essentially Natural
Labels: Clearance, Skincre, Winter Sale
Friday, 23 January 2009
Firstly, may we wish you a Happy New Year and success in everything that you do.
Just a short newsletter to flag up some of our new products that you may have missed and to let you know that, for our newsletter subscribers, we are offering a 10% discount on our Valentine's Day products - simply enter Valentine in the coupon box at the checkout. Please see our website - or call us free on 08000 664 916.
Idea's For Valentine's Day
This year, we're some new gift ideas for that special someone that won't cost the earth.Gift Baskets
Make your own gift basket, for him or for her, for a touch of affordable luxury at £19.95 - choice of one bath bar, one skin care product, one candle, one bathroom accessory and a free cotton face cloth. For that special someone, we will also include a handmade Valentine's day card, made by designer/illustrator Daniela Freedman. Click here to order.Massage Oils
It's always worth taking the time for a massage simply for the pleasure of taking some time out. Add to this the therapeutic benefits offered by our blend of organic essential oils and you'll feel good for hours. Choose either Sensual or Relaxing at an introductory price of £5.95. Our massage oils are based on organic sweet almond oil and are suitable for all skin types. Click here to order.3 Organic Mini Heart Gift Boxes
Beautiful and romantic, these gift boxes (made from recycled material) contain three mini heart shaped soaps, per box, minimum combined weight 36gr. Packed with either organic rose buds or our very own organic lavender, at £3.50 per box, they make the perfect gift. At present, we offer three choices: Organic Lavender, Organic Luxury Rose & Cocoa Butter and All Natural Goats' Milk & Rose Petal. Click here to order.Organic Bath Oils
Like our Organic Massage Oils, our Bath Oils are suitable for all skin types. Based on organic sweet almond oil and a blend of organic essential oils, just add up to a tablespoon (15ml) to your bath, swirl the water around and enjoy a wonderful sensual experience. Choose from Calming, Reviving or Soothing at an introductory price of £5.95. Click here to order.Natural Say Votive Candles (25hr burn time)
Priced at £4.95, these candles make a perfect gift for a loved one who is aware of the positive advantages of soy candles over 'normal' paraffin was candles. These soy candles use only organic essential oils and come in beautiful frosted glasses, packaged using recycled materials. With a wide choice of fragrances to choose from click here to order.
Don't forget to enter Valentine at the checkout to get your 10% discount on all the above products.
Please remember to check our website to see our other products.
Thank you for taking the time to read this.
With best wishes
Dennis Freedman
Posted by
Essentially Natural