Well, I've suddenly realised the secret of how to be productive at work.
Not to work!
OK, not quite true. But there's a lot in this positive thinking stuff whether it's called visualisation, manifesting, the law of attraction secret, or put simply Karma (what goes around comes around).
I've spent nearly the whole day away from the office - a very rare occurrence these days, coz I get so engrossed with the minutiae of the business - the admin, checking on orders and stock (even though someone else can do that), the technology that doesn't work, the writing of never-ending To Do lists...
And today...
I decided to play!
I had a great time with my production worker, Tony (OK I'll get a photo up there when I can get the digital camera charged up) experimenting and making soya votive candles in lovely frosted glass, using essential oil combinations, working out the proportions, leaving our formula behind and just... well... using our noses!
And the finished products not only look lovely and smell divine but when my wife got back from spending all our money at the shops the whole house was relaxed, calm, full of positive energy - all from the essential oils.
Well, OK, perhaps the fact that for once we worked in the kitchen rather than in the production workshop (I refuse to call it a factory as our stuff's all handmade) may have had something to do with it, but somehow I don't think so.
So, back into the office, answered a few emails, plagued my advertising manager Natasha with a few 'should I go with this one or not's', and then a long, well-deserved brandy and lemonade (my wife's favourite-of-the-moment drink and she just had to make one for me, too, to see if I liked it)... and...
There it was in my inbox - the email to say we've been accepted by Ethical Junction, a site that puts its money where its mouth is and positively goes out looking for those of us who put integrity and honesty above - well - alcohol? :)
They say there's no such thing as a free lunch, but I've looked at some of the listings on Ethical Junction's website for things like financial advisers and marketers and plumbers and it is indeed nice to be accepted and advertised amongst them.
After a day like today, I really do believe there's hope for this cynical, godforsaken society of ours.
What do you think?
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