Wednesday, 24 November 2010

RIP Marlene!

God, the Universe, Karma, Fate
or however else you name it,
works in a mysterious way.

After a pleasant chat and
interview with journalist
Amanda Griffiths from
Lancashire life yesterday
afternoon, my sister rang to
tell me that my cousin, Marleen,
had died that very same

A reminder indeed that we are
only hear for a relatively short
time, and, to me at least,
that there's more to life than
making money.

Yes, I know we all have to live,
but we need to stop and reflect
every so often on what we
actually have in life rather than
just getting caught up in the
day-to-day scramble for
business growth in financial
terms. It's our families, our local
community, the well-being of
our country and the world that
we mustn't let get drowned
out by the noise of our
everyday activities.

The main purpose, I believe, in
the business I run is to give
back something to the world, to
our local community, and to
those with health or other
needs. The benefits of essential

oils and nature's other
wonderful materials is well-
known, and I feel in a
very privileged position being
able to create useful and
beautiful products that will give

something back and be of
benefit to others.

Rest In Peace, Cousin Marlene, and may I wish all those who miss you a long life.

I will always remember you
with love as witty and vivacious
and a pleasure to be with when
I was growing up.

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