Fri 19 Aug 2011: I LOVE it when Tash or Lal come up. Dad's
always in a good mood when the girls come up and though it's good
fun with lots of rough-and-tumble-and-see-how-excited-you-can-get
with the boys, the girls do anththing I ask. AND they give me
more treats, AND take me on walks.
Tash (who Dad calls Na-Tash-A when he's pretending to be cross
with her) and Steve couldn't come till Saturday, but Lal (aka
Daniela, Danni) got here late on Friday evening. Dad let me stay
up a bit, but then sent me to bed. As if I need beauty sleep.
Sat 20 Aug 2011: I had lots of fun with my tugging rope and
winding Tash and Lal up in the house today. And Anton and Jane
came round too. Dad was quite happy but was a bit cross that it
wasn't really nice enough to go to the park.
In the evening we all stayed in and we all talked and Dad drank
his home made beer (I like it too when he's not looking!) and
Anton let me stay up till nearly the morning! Dad was a bit cross
about this but I showed him I was WIDE AWAKE all day and can stay
up as late as anyone else can.
Sun 21 Aug 2011: We went with Debbie (she helps Mum) to Hebden
Bridge and it was nice and sunny. I was very good working in the
shops, through the market, and on the main street. Even Dad was
impressed how well I work in crowds, but that's the best time,
coz there's something to do rather than just WALKING and STOPPING
We met a nice lady in Heart Gallery, and she said she liked Dad's
candles. So I smiled and she liked them even more.
When we got back, I was allowed to come and say goodbye to Tash
and Steve as they had to drive all the way back to Kent. I ran
up and down Mum's wheelchair ramp from near the front door to the
car, and everyone laughed at my way of saying I didn't want them
to go. But then I forgot to be good, slipped round the corner
and had a good roll around the lawn. I even got a chance to eat
some nice yummy grass and was about to sneak off for a swim in
the river at the bottom of the garden when Lal caught me and said
NAUGHTY BOY and took me back. Dad didn't shout at me really coz
it was his fault for not putting my lead on. Well, he WOULDN'T
put it on, would he, coz I was showing him how good I could be,
wasn't I?
Tue 23 Aug: It's been raining again and so we couldn't really get
out anywhere but Lal did manage to take me on a walk up to Lumb
where there's lots of cats. But I was good.
Then she went back and so the house is very quiet now. And I'm
Fri 26 Aug 2011: Lots of exciting getting-things-ready today, and
Dad's been playing the piano a lot. Dad sometimes makes me lie
down next to him under the piano when he's playing. I slope off
when he's concentrating coz I'd rather not be that close as it's
so loud.
So I knew Dad had something called "a gig" coming up and was
looking forward to it coz that means going somewhere nice with
lots of people who pay ME attention. But this time Mum and Dad
and Ann went without me. [Webster really does not like the high
notes played by jazz trumpeters, and I was nervous about the gig
too so thought Webster would be better with a bit of a holiday
for this one.--Dad]
Anyway Anton and Jane came to "dog sit" (i always DO when I'm
asked to, so what are they going on about?), and we had a good
time, with lots of playing in the house and outside and WALKS
Sat 27 Aug 2011: Mum and Dad and Ann came back in the afternoon
and I pretended to sulk at being left. But I forgot after a bit
when Mum and Dad played with my tugging rope. They were all in a
good mood so I hope there's another "gig" soon that I don't have
to go to.
Mon 29 Aug 2011: We all wanted to go out today but it was
horrible and wet. I did go for a walk with Mum and Dad in the
afternoon but we got very rained on coming home and Dad had to
wipe me down with an old towel. I grab the towel and push his
hand away when he tries to dry my paws, but Dad doesn't see the
fun in this game and just gets cross. Ah well, it's a guide
dog's life!
Tue 30 Aug 2011: MAAAAAAAAAAX and Becki and DAISY came round
today. Max is another of Mum and Dad's sons and used to help Dad
a lot with me when I first came to live here. Daisy's my Staffie
friend and is TINY! Well, tiny compared to me, Dad says. But
they had other things to do today and didn't let me play with
her. So I sulked and wouldn't fetch my toy when Dad wanted me
I wonder if she'll come tomorrow?