Friday, 1 February 2013

Thoughts on Candlemas

Tomorrow, Saturday 2 February, is Candlemass. As we make candles I thought I'd do a bit of research on this religious day of celebration and came up with some surprises.

As with many Christian celebrations, Candlemas has its origins in the dim and distant past, in paganism, fertility rites, Ancient Roman and Celtic celebration. But what's the link with Groundhog Day? You can read the facts on if you like, but I found a lovely blog article here:
So for those of you foolish enough to have kept any vestiges of Christmas around until 2nd February, beware. For those of you looking forward to a milder winter next year, keep an eye on the badgers. And as for me? Well, talk of Candlemas makes me think about getting out our old candle dipping can to start making some soy and beeswax dinner candles for the spring. I wonder if I can persuade the rest of the staff to go with this idea?

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