Monday 21 July 2014

Darn those bugs!

Insect Repellent Soap selling fast!

We’re experiencing hotter days than usual but, at least where we are, the high humidity means that our little buggy friends seem to bite us more as we perspire in the heat. Our 100% organic insect repellent soap is selling fast, as also are our citronella products. To use the soap, just wash in the normal way (face, forehead, neck, arms, etc.) and lightly rinse so the citronella and lavender oils can do their work. If you do get bitten, try a few drops of vinegar, or, if you have them, make up a massage oil with a couple of drops of clove, lemon and chamomile in your favourite carrier oil such as sweet almond, jojoba or even olive or sesame if you have nothing else. Use a few drops of chamomile in the carrier oil on its own if you like, but never use any essential oils directly on the skin. Lavender is an exception with care, but certainly do not use clove or lemon as these are irritants. Always only use a drop or two of any essential oils per 100ml, and apply very sparingly.

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